Heather Nielsen

Heather Nielsen

Heather Nielsen has been practicing mindfulness since her first Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course in 2002. She created the Better Living with Diabetes mindfulness premium program for eMindful available on eM Life.



Heather Nielsen has her MA in Clinical Psychology, her license as a professional counselor and is a certified Health and Wellness Coach. She currently works as a counselor in private practice alongside her husband, an Internal Medicine MD, in their Functional Medicine team micropractice called Healthy Connections where they teach and practice mindfulness-based health care. For Heather, her mindfulness practice has helped her to navigate two pregnancies with diabetes, be more responsive and less reactive as a parent and to live with two chronic autoimmune conditions which are sensitive to stress and can be painful and unpredictable. Heather also attributes mindfulness to helping her be a more conscious partner to her husband, a friend to her community and to have more empathy and presence for her clients. Heather has two small dogs, two large cats, three daughters, two step daughters and one very patient and mindful husband, who she met when he invited her to speak about diabetes burnout at his diabetes support group. Seven years after that support group speaking invitation, Heather and her husband were married and fellow eM life instructor gave a toast at their wedding.