Breaking Free from Bad Habits

Breaking Free from Bad Habits

Over time we’ve developed certain habits to get away from stress that we can define as “Bad Habits.” These are habits that take us further away from what’s most important and while they may have a short-term benefit, eventually lead to greater stress. Bad habits often spring from an avoidance of what’s difficult. Freedom from these bad habits involves greater understanding of the cravings and urges that are associated with them. In other words, we need to build our emotional intelligence and understand the underlying feelings that are driving these bad habits. We can learn to relate to this discomfort with a different quality of awareness. Instead of “judging” or “pushing away” discomfort, we are now making a radical shift to “allowing” and “letting be.” Integrating these qualities of acceptance is the groundwork to be able to make change. We will also be cultivating a greater awareness of emotions and their influence on our thoughts.

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